May 8Liked by Richardson Handjaja

Girls Band Cry deserves more recognition, for sure. Thanks for sharing all these details about it, I'm glad to know more people is willing to accept and enjoy a really good CGI anime ❤️

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May 8Liked by Richardson Handjaja

The news about Orange is fascinating. It is staggering to think how much more content can be localized into English for a wider market.

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Thanks a ton for the shout-out, Richardson! Great issue.

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While obviously nothing wrong with a speculative statement or anything, do you have any sources of people discussing the "vtubers drive acceptance of 3D anime" claim? In particular comments from the team on Girls Band Cry or something? I would love some first hand discussion by industry figures on that.

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Thanks for the comment, Ash. The headline comes from comments made by Toei Animation producer Tadashi Hirayama in an interview published in the April 2024 issue of Nikkei Entertainment! magazine about Girls Band Cry. I linked the electronic version of the interview in my newsletter, but the portion that has these comments may be behind a paywall: https://xtrend.nikkei.com/atcl/contents/18/00988/00009/

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Ah I probably just missed the link, reading on a phone and all that. Thank you! I will dig in

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