Animenomics explains the business and market forces driving the anime and manga industries in Japan and around the world.

Anime and manga are big business. They are no longer the realm of just fans, and the news reporting must reflect that reality. Using unique insights and timely industry data, Animenomics makes the business of anime and manga accessible to consumers and entertainment professionals.

is the publisher and editor of the Animenomics newsletter. He previously was the first news managing editor at MyAnimeList and has also worked in business-to-business revenue operations roles for 15 years.

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Praises for and endorsements of Animenomics

“It’s the best source in English to get reports on the business side of anime.”
Jarrett Martin, Tonari Animation chief executive officer

“Anime business news reported clearly and concisely.”
—Alex Dudok de Wit, former Cartoon Brew associate editor

“The Morning Brew of manga and anime business news.”
Berlitz von Mandelbrot, Japanese-to-German manga translator

“It’s fucking brilliant.”
Jerome Mazandarani, former Manga Entertainment managing director

“Always excellent.”
Humberto Saabedra, former Crunchyroll contributing news editor

“There’s nothing else quite like it!”
Edward Hong, Square Enix Japanese-to-English manga editor

“Absolutely worth your time.”
Federico Antonio Russo, anime production manager

Media coverage of reporting by Animenomics

Our team have provided expert interviews for the following media outlets:

Our reporting and analysis have been cited in the following publications:

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Publisher & editor of Animenomics, reporting on Japan’s anime and manga business.